By Solomon Belete A Response To Greg Koulkl’s Christmas Promoting Article I read an article by Greg Koukl promoting Christmas, posted on brother Tesfaye Robele's Facebook page. Tesfaye Robele's prologue to the paper and Greg Koukl's apologetics for this Catholic tradition prompted my reaction to write a response. Therefore, you'll find Robele's prologue, Koukl's article, and my answer in that order. Tesfaye Robele's prologue to the article reads: "Jehovah's witnesses do claim that celebrating Christmas (and everything associated with it) is a pagan origin! It is a logical fallacy to judge the truth or falsehood of a proposition on the basis of its source of what motivates someone to believe it (its genesis). In other words, the legitimacy (reliability) of sources or motives does not make a proposition true or false. Thus it is a fallacy to assume or conclude that religious beliefs or practices are false just because they are acquired by psycholo...
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